Authentic leaders are rare, but when you spot one they are impossible to miss!
How do I know? Because I have been very fortunate to work with and learn from several leaders who fit this description. Just to name two:
Having the opportunity to work directly with these authentic leaders have literally changed my life. Because of them, I am a better leader. I am a better person!
Don McLaughlin was my first boss out of college. With my Accounting Degree in head and hand, he taught me the practical side of Cost Accounting in a paper manufacturing environment. He also showed me what servant leadership looks like.
John C. Maxwell describes servant leadership as follows: "Servanthood is not about position or skill. It's about attitude. Servant leadership is never motivated by manipulation or self-promotion."
From the day I met Don for my interview on my college campus, he has exuded the principles embodied in what servant leadership looks like with skin on.
Although it was a l-o-n-g time ago when I reported to him, Don has managed to stay connected (during my career and after my departure from the company).
Don even came to support our family and pay his respects when my dad passed away.
I am thankful I get to know Don McLaughlin!
Bruce Patterson is my honorary boss for life. Under his leadership I learned how to apply my accounting knowledge in the world of Internal Audit. I had the opportunity to travel the world and get to interact with a variety of people from many cultures. For instance, I travelled to Brazil, Finland, London, and Paris, just to name a few.
I had an opportunity to travel to Canada several times a year. Those experiences provided an excellent opportunity to work with and get to know many of my colleagues north of the border.
Under his leadership, Bruce showed me what participative leadership looks and feels like. Because of him and my experiences in Internal Audit at Champion, I developed both personally and professionally. Because of Bruce, I am a better leader.
I spotted another authentic leader recently. Here's the back story:
While delivering training for University Clinical Health (UCH), Timothy Florence and his team were responsible for handling IT Support. Over and over again he and his team exceeded my expectations.
One day I had the opportunity to extend my gratitude and compliments to the Timothy, and he gave all the credit to his team.
It was then that I knew I had to sit down with Timothy to get insights on how he and his team deliver over and over again.
For more, please read Timothy Florence On Leadership.
Among other authentic leaders who impacted my life, Paul Records also stands out from the crowd.
What about you? Have you spotted any authentic leaders lately? They are definitely hard to miss.
Are you on a quest to become an authentic leader? If that is true for you, you landed at the right place.
Leader Who Leads was created for those who have been called to lead and are committed to answering the call. And to lead in such a way that they are changed as they change their world.
Thank you for allowing me to share in a small part of your journey!
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Leaders don't
- Tom Peters