The Personal Effectiveness Quotient Assessment (PEQ) was developed by Stephen Covey. It is designed to help you determine how well your current behaviors align with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
I received a copy of Covey's 7 Habits fairly early in my career. But quite honestly, the book set on my credenza collecting dust for a couple years before I finally pulled it down. When I did, I read it from cover to cover. And reread it every year for several years after that.
I even purchased a copy for my team members so we could discuss the principles contained in the book.
I must say, it is probably the most consequential book influencing who I am today - both personally and professional. For me, it is second in line to the Bible.
If you have not assessed your effectiveness lately, now is the perfect time to do so.
After completing the assessment, please return here for ways to leverage the information and enhance your personal effectiveness.
Just follow the directions at this link or click the "button" below. (Please make sure to get a copy of your results.)
Good job! Now that you have completed the assessment, let's take a look at your Personal Effectiveness Quotient. How can you interpret the results and use the information to improve your personal effectiveness?
You will have an "Overall Score" and a score for each of the 7 Habits (which are listed below). The overall score is a composite of the habits, which can be grouped into the following categories:
Private Victory includes the first three Habits:
Public Victory includes the next three Habits:
Sharpen The Saw has a category of its own, which is also the last Habit:
As with any assessment, it is fluid. It can change as you grow and transform. So, first and foremost, think of this as a baseline. When you think of it that way, you can use it as a springboard from which you can improve your level of effectiveness.
Did you know that there are five types of followers? One of the most sought after are effective followers. Also known as “dynamic followers” they are very valuable to leaders and their team.
Private Victory gives an indication of self-mastery, how well you stay focused on your highest priorities and use your personal resources wisely.
They show up in being proactive, beginning with the end in mind and putting first things first.
As you discipline yourself and develop these habits, you will realize increasing levels of personal effectiveness. At some point, these habits will become such a way of life for you that they will seem effortless.
Habits 4-6, Public Victory, speaks to the strength of your interpersonal skills.
It reflects your ability to work well with others and be a team player, without compromising your values.
It indicates your willingness to listen and be open to the opinions and ideas of others.
Sharpen the Saw reflects your ability to live a balanced life, revealing how well you take care of your "whole" self:
Take a look at your results. Congratulate yourself on what you are doing well. (Plan to keep on doing that.)
Then identify areas you can improve. As a starting point, choose one habit to work on at a time. Once you see improvement in that one, retake the assessment, then work on the next area for improvement.
It's one thing to know a thing, but when that knowledge translates into behavior, that's when you begin to change your habits.
We behave what we believe. And when you believe practicing these habits will increase your effectiveness, in some cases it can seem like magic. Your personal effectiveness increases over time. You begin to produce uncommon results, besting your previous performance.
Set a goal for yourself. For the next 90 days:
If you have not done so already, please take a look at:
Once you do that, please consider investing in your growth and development by purchasing the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It is a "must have" for your library if you are serious about increasing your personal effectiveness quotient.
Let me know how it goes!
Are you looking to improve your relationship with your boss? If so, the Boss Relationship Worksheet will help you better understand and communicate more effectively with your immediate supervisor.
To download your copy, submit your information on the form below.
After completing the Boss Relationship Worksheet, you will find that the following will prove helpful in showing you how to cultivate a better working relationship with your boss:
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- Tom Peters