Biblical Leadership Quotes are taken from the Old and New Testament of the Bible. Those quoted here are from The Message Bible.
Growing up I heard and read stories from the Bible about some great leaders. They were not perfect, but they made themselves available for the Master's use.
One such leader, Moses, was a very reluctant leader. Basically, he argued with God on why he was not the right person for the job. Can you relate? I can!
As a young lad, Moses made a terrible mistake. He took matters into his own hands and, as a result, fled from the land of Egypt into the wilderness. Moses probably thought he would be in the wilderness for the rest of his life, tending sheep.
I can only imagine his surprise when one day, while out minding his own business, he sees this amazing site: A bush on fire that just kept on burning.
He'd probably seen a number of burning bushes in his day, ones that burned up. But this one, it just kept on burning, it "burned with fire, yet it was not consumed." When God saw that Moses turned aside, God spoke. To read the full story, check it out Exodus 3-4 in the New King James Version.
Referring to Moses as a reluctant leader is definitely an understatement. I can relate because I too was a reluctant leader. I have put my story in a book. In it I have offered guidance on what to do when a leadership position finds you. The book is Called to Lead.
"Most of the great leaders in Scripture were made, not born.
Happily for us, God is still making them today.
Could you be one?" - John C. Maxwell
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are...." - Matthew 5:9
"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them." - Matthew 7:12
"Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity." - Proverbs 20:28
"Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; He directs it to whatever ends He choses." - Proverbs 21:1
"A good leader motivates, doesn't mislead, doesn't exploit." - Proverbs 16:10
"Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foundation." - Proverbs 16:12
"Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth." - Proverbs 16:13
"The mark of a good leader is loyal followers; leadership is nothing without a following." - Proverbs 14:28
"Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights." - Proverbs 18:15
"It's better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day." - Proverbs 24:5
"Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel." - Proverbs 24:6
"Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God-honoring." - Proverbs 25:5
"You don't have to be a "natural" to become a great leader; you simply need a heart for God and a teachable spirit." - John C. Maxwell
"Don't call attention to yourself; let others do that for you." - Proverbs 27:2
"If you honor your boss, you'll be honored." - Proverbs 27:18
"When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it--but it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out." - Proverbs 28:2
"Lead good people down a wrong path and you'll come to a bad end; do good and you'll be rewarded for it." - Proverbs 28:10
"When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans." - Proverbs 29:3
"A leader of good judgement gives stability; an exploiting leader leaves a trail of waste." - Proverbs 29:5
"When the leader listens to malicious gossip, all the workers get infected with evil." - Proverbs 29:12
"Leadership gains authority and respect when the voiceless poor are treated fairly." - Proverbs 29:14
"Leaders can't afford to make fools of themsevles." - Proverbs 31:4b
I really wish I had the time and space to share more Biblical Leadership Quotes about some of my all-time favorites from the Old Testament like the ones below:
I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing these Biblical Leadership Quotes with you. My hope is that you gained some insights to help you as you become the leader you were created to be!
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Leaders don't
- Tom Peters