Good Better Best

"Good Better Best" is about continuous improvement.  It is about being your absolute best.

It requires us to adopt the attitude of a lifelong learner, encourages us to recognize our strengths and take steps to improve our skills, employing them in creative ways for better results.

This quote by Tim Duncan is one of my favorites: "Good, better, best. Never let it rest.  Until your good is better and your better best."

I first heard it when attending one of Zig Ziglar's signature Born To Win conferences.  If you never heard him say it, no one else could do it quite like he did.




My husband, a life and business coach for athletes, really likes this quote: "Good is the enemy of great."

He believes that most of us have the ability to do a lot of things well. But too many are satisfied with "good" and have the tendency to settle for mediocrity.

When we become content with "good is enough," we settle for much less than we could achieve.

But, that can change.  How?  By changing our mindset.  

When we become uncomfortable with "good" we can take steps to become better.

Positive self-talk has proven quite helpful for me.



By pressing to be better, we realize we can do much more then we thought we could.

Several years ago I attended a conference and the speaker gave a wonderful example of what can happen when we go the extra mile - giving something extra.

She elaborated on the Spanish term "Lagnaippe."  She said that when we think we have no more to give, there is usually room to give just a little more.

“Better” only happens when we give that something extra.




When you master the mindset of continuously pursuing "better," you can become your very best.

Although I did not get a chance to meet my husband's mom, I get to know her every day through the stories he shares about his life with her.  This is one of my favorites:  When my husband was growing up, his mom would always ask him, "Did you do your best?"  If she was confident that he gave his best effort in the situation, she was satisfied.  

That led him to adopt this tagline:  Remember to always "Be Your Best!"  He is my example of what being your best looks like in real life.


Good Better Best

The video below is simple yet delivers a very powerful message.  Please take a look.

Want To Know More?

Good better best.  What about you? Are you settling for "good" or are you taking action to be your best? 

If you seek continuous improvement, thats great!  It lets me know you will not settle for good, but you constantly seek ways to better your good to become your absolute best.  Kudo's to you for doing so! 

For Your Improvement could prove to be a very helpful tool to strengthen competencies in specific areas.

Improve Your Relationship with Your Boss

Are you looking to improve your relationship with your boss?  If so, the Boss Relationship Worksheet will help you better understand and communicate more effectively with your immediate supervisor.

To download your copy, submit your information on the form below.

Boss Relationship Worksheet

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After completing the Boss Relationship Worksheet, you will find that the following will prove helpful in showing you how to cultivate a better working relationship with your boss:

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About Coach Gwen

I published my first book and I am beyond excited. 

Get your FREE copy of Called to Lead!





Leaders don't







- Tom Peters


7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
For Your Improvement Coaching Guide