Leadership Speak Quotes

Leadership Speak quotes are from various authors under the title "Let Your Leadership Speak:  How To Lead and Be Heard." 

"Let your leadership speak."

"Leadership is a means to achieving a goal." - Nancy Hunter Denney

"Leadership is a choice."

"Contrary to popular belief, leadership isn't about the number of people you lead, but rather about the number of people who are willing to follow you when it counts." - Joe Martin

"If you want to be an effective servant leader, you must lead by example rather than by exerting power." - Joe Martin

"Your leadership legacy should be a map for future generations, not a detour sign." - Joe Martin

"In all you do, lead and serve with purpose, passion, and power!" - Jim Martin

"You make a living by what you get.  You make a life by what you give." - Winston Churchill

"When your co-workers are treated with respect, they feel better about themselves and their organization; they work with greater energy and begin to look to you as a leader because of your style, not your stature." - Nancy Hunter Denney

"Attitude shapes spirit, especially team spirit." - Doug Cureton


These leadership quotes are designed to inspire and encourage the leader in you:

"No man or woman ever put forth a better effort under a spirit of criticism than under a spirit of approval." - Charles Schwaub

"The task of the leader is to get his/her people from where they are to where they have not been." - Henry Kissinger

"Getting others to where they need to be is next to impossible without a plan of action." - Rick Barnes

"If you don't know where you're going, you might end up somewhere else." - Yogi Berra

"Without a vision, the future of any organization remains uncertain." - Rick Barnes

"A leader with courage and an iron will is unstoppable and unbeatable." - David Blunt

"Great things happen only when someone is willing to visualize, internalize and verbalize a better way of doing something." - Dr. Ira B. Hilliard

"Legacies are created when leaders take the time and energy to help others develop their potential." - Charles Luke Latour

"There is something that much more scarce, something rarer than ability.  It is the ability to recognize ability." - Robert Half

Leadership Speak Quotes - Kathy Humphrey

"Being the leader is crucial, but you can't be the leader if you will not step forward to make a positive difference." - Kathy Humphrey

"Every leader faces storms, for they blow away the unnecessary and provide opportunities for new growth." - Kathy Humphrey

"A leader must know who he or she is, and why he or she is the leader." - Kathy Humphrey

"If you are expending energy to make sure that other people know that you are the leader, you are not leading, you are simply attempting to be the leader." - Kathy Humphrey

"It is not enough for you to tell others what you value; you must show them." - Kathy Humphrey

"Every leader is driven by possibilities that appear to be opportuntities to make something great occur." - Kathy Humphrey

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