Paul Records On Mentorship are highlights from a discussion on mentorship and the role of mentors.
Writing it gave me the opportunity to reconnect with Paul Records who served as my mentor during my days at Champion Paper Company.
Paul is a credible leader. Please read on to find out more.
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Paul Records, VP of Business Development, Oration, Inc.
As it relates to Leadership and Mentorship, what is the relationship between the two?
Leadership is about influencing organizations and individuals, setting a vision, empowering employees and helping people get to a place.
Mentorship is when two individuals engage in a mutually rewarding relationship through which both parties learn and grow personally and professionally.
What is the difference between Mentorship and Sponsorship? Are they similar or essentially different?
There are elements of similarity, yet strong differences.
I refer to Sponsorship as “the invisible hand.” Sponsors create opportunities that test abilities and reward good performance. In many cases, you might not know your sponsors. They are people who are invested in your success but often you have no clue of the role they play.
On the other hand, Mentors are well positioned to help people understand the unwritten rules, how things really work. They help you understand today and tomorrow as well.
A Sponsor’s task or focus is to get you to participate in something outside of your normal technical skill set.
Sponsorship is similar to “Air Cover” in the event issues surface. They invest in you, speak for you, and believe in you. When issues surface they deflect heat to give you breathing room to get things back on track.
As it relates to mentorship, what advice would you give to leaders, both emerging and experienced?
Insights and perspectives are best shared when an individual is receptive. Mentors are helpful at one of these two times: time of need or a time of reflection.
Give the idea of mentorship serious consideration. Stop and think about being a mentor. You can make a difference in people’s lives. It takes time to get to know someone and develop a relationship, so make sure you are willing to make the commitment.
Some mentors you want to have are often those who have the least amount of time.
A supervisor as mentor is more difficult; therefore, mentor someone who is not your direct report. The people who work for us are always looking to us for signals.
It works best when you are in it for the commitment to help the individual over time. This benefits both parties.
Mentoring Programs often don’t work when they are mandated. When personalized and taken to heart, you get a different outcome.
Paul Records On Mentorship gave me the opportunity to reflect on the invaluable guidance I received during my corporate career, from credible leaders who care about the people they lead.
Indeed, Paul Records is one of those credible leaders. Thank you, Paul!
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