Prepare To Succeed

Leaders who lead prepare to succeed.  They arm themselves with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed by doing these three things:

  1. Prepare to lead
  2. Prepare their team
  3. Prepare to perform

Want to know how they do it?  I am hosting a webinar to share how they do it and would love it if you could join me. 

To get on the waitlist for the webinar, please do so below.

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Gwendolyn J. Tucker, Presenter

An Accountant and CPA by education and training, all of my corporate career was in the manufacturing industry.

I am very fortunate to have landed in Internal Audit where I gained valuable leadership experience.  First as an In-Charge of audits, similar to a Team Leader, then as a manager with direct reports responsible for all aspects of performance management.  

Prepare To Succeed

Sometimes you find a leadership position, and at other times it finds you.  Regardless of how you landed in your position, you want to succeed.  

And in order to do that, you must prepare to succeed.  

I really like this quote by Bobby Unser:  "Success is where preparation and opportunity meet." 

Well, you have stepped up to the opportunity to lead, and now you can take the necessary steps to ensure you are fully prepared to succeed.

Step 1:  Prepare To Lead

If you are a new leader or an experienced leader, you must be aware of what is required of you in your leadership position. 

As you prepare to lead, you will discover what is expected of you (goals and objectives) and the metrics by which success will be measured.    

What you discover in this step will inform how you prepare your team and prepare to perform.  And are the key ingredients in building your roadmap to success.

During our webinar, I will share with you my process for getting up to speed in a new position and how I help other leaders do the same.  

Step 2:  Prepare The Team

Now that you understand the scope of what you have been called upon to do, it is time to engage your team members.

By getting to know them, understanding what they bring to the table and the role they will play in achieving your goals, you increase your chance of success.

Clearly communicating what is expected of your team members upfront, will lay a solid foundation upon which to build a strong team. 

Step 3:  Prepare To Perform

You have prepared yourself and your team.  Now, it is time to make "it" happen.  Using your roadmap for success, with timelines and milestones, you are ready to lead your team members into their future.

An often overlooked element of your roadmap to success is making sure your boss is onboard. 

Do not forget to check in periodically with your team members (and your boss too).  

Register For Webinar:  Prepare To Succeed

Arm yourself with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.  Join us and find out how.

"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity."  - Leonard Ravenhill 

Improve Your Relationship with Your Boss

Are you looking to improve your relationship with your boss?  If so, the Boss Relationship Worksheet will help you better understand and communicate more effectively with your immediate supervisor.

To download your copy, submit your information on the form below.

Boss Relationship Worksheet

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Please complete the challenge that you see below.


After completing the Boss Relationship Worksheet, you will find that the following will prove helpful in showing you how to cultivate a better working relationship with your boss:

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About Coach Gwen

I published my first book and I am beyond excited. 

Get your FREE copy of Called to Lead!





Leaders don't







- Tom Peters


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