To Bruce from K. Michael Jordan, CPA, CFE

by K. Michael Jordan
(Canton, MI, USA)

I had the pleasure of working for Bruce and Gwen for 7 years. Although we have not worked together now for over 15 years, we still keep in touch. Bruce was the first Vice-President/Executive level individual who took an interest in my development and my career.

Bruce made a point of visiting our audit teams in the field and reviewing the workpapers of our team members. Although Bruce trusted his Seniors and Managers to perform a proper review, he wanted to make sure that everyone on our team was aware of executive level concerns and considerations. He expanded my thought process to challenge us to "re-think" our testing process and continuously improve our audit process. Bruce had a "kaizen" mindset even before I knew what the term meant.

As a Director and Manager, I better appreciate the mangement style that Bruce exemplified to us on a daily basis. I appreciate that he not only allowed us to get to know him professionally, but personally as well.

I believe that Executive Management sets the tone for their Departments/Divisions. Bruce gave us a family-like admosphere that I have NEVER seen duplicated in any of my other professional experiences.

Because of the leadership examples that Bruce and his managers (Gwen, Craig, Bill and Vickie) set for us, I still keep in contact with my former collegues and mentees as well.

God Bless and Keep you and yours Bruce.

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