Leadership Development


Do you have what you need to lead?  Are you looking for leadership development resources? 

Welcome!  I am very glad you landed here! Consider this your leadership development gateway to content curated from my own leadership journey that has served me exceptionally well.

Leader Who Leads was born out of a deep desire to empower leaders who are looking to succeed.  Chances are, that describes you. 

My hope is that you will find something here to assist you in your quest for success.  (If you don't find it, please contact me HERE.)

The resources included at Leader Who Leads are designed for those who have answered the call to lead, those who are willing to be transformed so that they can bring about transformation. 

If you are a female in Corporate, you will want to check out the top challenges women face in the workplace.

Bottom line, leadership is about transformation.  And developing as a leader is about building the "muscles" required to move a group or organization from survival to stability to success and, ultimately, to significance.


Leadership Development

Regardless of where you are in the world, without proper leadership, ventures fail...people fail...teams fail...to reach their full potential.

Indeed, growth is intentional.  Development does not occur by accident.  Leadership traits must be cultivated.  

Leader Who Leads is designed for that purpose and addresses the following:

(For a complete list, please check out the navigation bar to your right.)

Leaders:  Born or Made?

There is the age-old debate as to whether leaders are born or made.  One commentator responded by saying, "Of course leaders are born.  Then they are made!" 

This implies that all people are born with natural gifts and talents.  As we nurture our leadership qualities, we become who were created to be. 

And when that happens, we begin to "do" that which we were created to do:  motivate people to work in unity toward common goals.  


Definition of Leadership

To make sure we are on the same page and speaking the same language, please take a look at the following definitions.

Although there are many leadership theories, most people agree on what leadership means. Miriam-Webster defines it this way:  

Leadership is “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.  It is the state or position of being a leader."

Development is to “cause to grow and become more mature or advanced.”  Synonyms for development give the image of evolving, expanding and unfolding, becoming progressively better in quality or degree.

Therefore, Leadership Development refers to “any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization.”

Improve You Leadership Ability

Leaders who make a positive impact are lifelong learners.  They take the initiative and get ahead of the pack.  Instead of resting on your laurels or coasting leaders stay ahead of the pack.  

It is the essence of who leaders are and what leaders do - take the initiative and act before being acted upon.  

Begin now building your plan for success and work at it, day in and day out.

Because your success is highly impacted by your relationship with your immediate supervisor, it is important to development a great working relationship with your boss.  I have developed the Boss Relationship Worksheet to help you do just that.  Take a look at the information below to find out more.

Improve Your Relationship with Your Boss

Are you looking to improve your relationship with your boss?  If so, the Boss Relationship Worksheet will help you better understand and communicate more effectively with your immediate supervisor.

To download your copy, submit your information on the form below.

Boss Relationship Worksheet

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


After completing the Boss Relationship Worksheet, you will find that the following will prove helpful in showing you how to cultivate a better working relationship with your boss:

Become A "Leader Who Leads"


Whether you found the leadership position or the position found you, it is your time.  You have much work to do.  Step forward and become a "Leader Who Leads."   

Start from where you are. Discover your styles. Get acquainted with some well-known Leadership Theories. Then see how you can practically apply concepts from those leadership models and theories.

Or you might start by looking at some Leadership Traits.

The most important part is not so much where you start but "that" you start. 

Some very valuable nuggets are contained herein.  They are designed to speed you along in developing your leadership skills, moving you from survival to become a "Leader Who Leads.

Are you a female in the Corporate workplace?  If so, you will want to check out the top challenges women face in the workplace before you go.

Want To Know More?

Thankfully, leadership is art and science; there is no "one size fits all."  And leadership development occurs in a variety of ways.  My desire is that you become the leader you were born to be.  

If you are looking for leadership development resources near you, you landed at the right place.  They are at your fingertips, right before your eyes.  Welcome!

Are you a female in the Corporate workplace?  Before you go, please check out the top challenges women face in the workplace.

About Coach Gwen
About Coach Gwen: an advisor to leaders at all levels, and encourager by nature, she loves to show leaders how to become the next best version of themselves.
Authentic Leaders
Authentic leaders are rare, but when you spot one they are hard to miss. And when you have the privilege of working with one., it will change your life.
Authentic Leadership In Action
While conducting Authentic leadership is uncommon. When one comes face to face with authentic leadership in action, it is very hard to miss.
Authentic Leadership Theory
Authentic Leadership Theory gives insight on the development of this theory and describes characteristics of authentic leaders.
Contact Coach Gwen
Contact Coach Gwen to know more about solutions to improve your productivity and earning power.
Diversity At Work
Diversity At Work is a series of courses designed to help leaders understand how to leverage diversity in the workplace.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Don McLaughlin On Leadership
Don McLaughlin On Leadership
Effectiveness Quotient
Have you assessed your effectiveness quotient lately? If not, now is a perfect time.
Coaching Conversations
Coaching conversations can be quite powerful for all employees, but especially for millenials in the workplace.
Jim Duncan On Leadership
Jim Duncan on Leadership gives us a birds eye view into what has made Jim a successful leader.
Jung Typology, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Personality Profile, MBTI
The Jung Typology is one of my favorite "tests" designed to assess a person's personality. Based on Carl Jung's research, it is the basis of the Myers Briggs Personality Type Assessment.
Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching is designed to help individuals in leadership positions become leaders who lead.
Leadership and Conflict
Leadership and conflict highlights the fact that conflict is inevitable when two are more come together. This discussion explores types of conflict and conflict management styles.
Credible Leaders
Credible leaders are often hard to find. But it is possible to become a credible leader, a true leader who leads.
Leadership and Diversity
Leadership and diversity highlights the fact that diversity is multifaceted; therefore, inclusion strategies must be too.
Leadership and Listening
Leadership and listening highlights findings from a study that investigates the relationship between effective listening and leadership.
Leadership versus Management
These Leadership versus Management quotes highlight commonly believed differences between the two.
Managing and Measuring Work
Managing and measuring work explores the critical components of performance management which all leaders must master.
Leadership and Motivation
Leadership and Motivation examines Theory X and Theory Y - what managers believe about what motivates employees and why people work.
Leadership Styles
Leadership styles influence the degree to which a leader involves followers in the decision making process.
Leadership Styles In Management
Leadership and Styles relate to those styles that directly impact a leader's ability to get work done through others. This includes personality, communication and learning styles.
Leadership and Team Building
Leadership and team building gives insight and strategies for building high performing work teams.
Leadership Theories
Explanation of Leadership Theories and Models and their practical application.
Leadership Traits
Certain leadership traits contribute to success. Leaders are life-long learners who apply what they learn. Leaders are credible.
Leadership and Trust
Leadership and trust highlights ways to get and keep trust in your working relationships.
Leadership Types
Leadership Types examines attributes of the transactional and the transformational leader, as well as servant or charismatic leadership.
Leadership Quotes
Famous and insightful leadership quotes
Leadership In Action
Leadership in action examines the behaviors of leaders who lead. It is one thing to read about them, but something quite remarkable to see them "live and in living color."
Bruce Patterson on Leadership
Bruce Patterson on Leadership are excerpts from a conversation about leadership styles and influencing others.
Paul Records On Leadership
Paul Records On Leadership is an indepth discussion with my mentor. In it, he gives insight on the value of mentorship.
Situational Leadership
Situational Leadership is a practical leadership model developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard.
Timothy Florence On Leadership
Timothy Florence On Leadership gives insight into how an authentic leader thinks and acts to build a team that works well together.
Women Who Lead
Welcome! This space has been designed specifically for women who lead.
Leader Who Leads Privacy Policy
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About Coach Gwen

Called to Lead, my first book is FINALLY here, and I am so very excited. 

It will be released this Fall.  Preorder your copy today. 







Leaders don't







- Tom Peters


7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
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